Mostrando 337–348 de 406 resultados

  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana


    $ 19.99

    Antiflamatorio y el dolor y regenerador.

    Anti-inflammatory and the pain and regenerator.

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    Rimel con Aceite de Hueso de Aguacate – Megamix

    $ 3.99

    Agua, Cera de Abeja, Óxidos de Hierro, Extracto de Nogal, Glicerina, Lecitina, Aceite de Aguacate.

    Modo de uso
    Aplicar el las pestañas para mayor grosor, y nutricion.

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    Rimel con Aceite de Hueso de Mamey – Megamix

    $ 3.99

    Agua, Cera de Abeja, Óxidos de Hierro, Glicerina, Leticina, Aceite de Mamey.

    Modo de uso
    Aplicar en las pestañas, de una a tres capas, para mejorar su apariencia.

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    $ 3.99

    Protege e hidrata las pestañas. Proporciona proteínas y nutrientes para tus pestañas

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    $ 4.00

    Contiene las vitaminas qué necesita el cerebro para controlar el estrés relajarce, anciedad, deprecion y poder dormir bien.

    • Mascara Negro
    • Garantia de calidad original
    • Reparacion Maxima
    • Pestañas mas gruesas largas y hermosas
    • Aceite de Bergamota
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  • Rimel IM de Aceite de hueso de mamey

    $ 3.99

    Acción intensiva que engrosa, obscurece, alarga, define y acondiciona hasta las pestañas más delgadas.

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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    Riñon Plus

    $ 21.99

    Support for the Urinary System

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  • Rompe Piedras

    Rompe Piedras (Tabletas)

    $ 24.99

    Usos: Poderoso diurético. Disuelve los cálculos renales sobre todo el oxalato de calcio y es antiinflamatorio. Previene y trata la litiasis renal (cálculos o piedras de riñón y vías urinarias), en inflamaciones de próstata (hipertrofia prostática, adenoma de próstata), hiperuricemias (aumento del ácido úrico en sangre). Ayuda en problemas de infecciones urinarias.

    Ingredientes: Rompe piedras, yumel. cola de caballo, doradilla y taray.

    Modo de uso: Tomar 2 Tabletas 3 veces al día acompañadas con alimentos.

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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    S.S.S. Tonic

    $ 19.99

    SSS Tonic gives you more than the minimum daily requirements of iron and certain important B-complex vitamins considered essential to good health.


    Anemia is a condition that occurs when there is insufficient hemoglobin in red blood cells to carry oxygen to cells and tissues. Common signs and symptoms of anemia include fatigue and weakness.

    Anemia can result from a variety of medical problems, including heavy menstrual bleeding, and deficiencies of iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, and folic acid. Other causes can be from a low dietary intake of iron and poor absorption.

    Your doctor can tell if you have anemia by a blood test called a CBC (complete blood count). Your doctor can also do a physical exam and talk to you about your diet, the medicines you are taking, and your family health history.

    About Iron

    Iron, one of the most abundant metals on earth, is essential to most life forms and to normal human physiology. This metal is an essential component of proteins involved in oxygen transport, among many other things.

    Almost two-thirds of iron in the body is found in hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to tissues. Iron is also found in proteins that store iron for future needs and that transport iron in blood. Iron stores are regulated by intestinal iron absorption.

    Iron is:
    • An essential mineral
    • A carrier of oxygen in the body
    • Necessary to make hemoglobin
    • Found in every cell of the body

    Iron Deficiency

    Iron deficiency, as the name implies, is a condition resulting from too little iron in the body. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency and the leading cause of anemia in the United States.1

    According to the Mayo Clinic, one in five women and half of all pregnant women are iron deficient. Lack of iron in your diet is one cause of iron deficiency anemia, but there are other causes as well. You can usually correct iron deficiency anemia with iron supplementation.2

    Beginning signs of iron deficiency:
    • Loss of appetite
    • Constipation
    • Headaches
    • Irritability
    • Difficulty concentrating
    Established Signs of iron deficiency:
    • Weakness
    • Fatigue
    • Coldness of extremities
    • Depression
    • Dizziness
    • Overall pallor
    • Pale, brittle nails
    • Pale lips/eyelids
    • Mouth soreness
    • Cessation of menstruation
    • Loss of libido
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  • Saca Fuerza Mayra Berenice

    Saca Fuerza de Mayra Berenice – Capsulas

    $ 35.99
    • Fortalece tu sistema inmune
    • Excelente antibiótico 100% natural
    • Combate problemas anti-bacterianos y anti-virales
    • Contiene vitaminas, aminoácidos, flavonoides, antioxidantes entre otros.

    Anti-inflamatorio natural


    Tomar 1 cápsula 2 veces al día y beber de 8-10 vasos de agua al día.

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  • Saca Grasa

    Saca Grasa de Mayra Berenice Capsulas

    $ 26.99

    Saca Grasa Capsulas

    Indicaciones: Tomar una cápsula por la mañana y otra por la noche.

    • Quema Grasa
    • Limpia el intestino
    • Reduce el apetito
    • Quita la ansiedad
    • Ayuda a reducir tallas rápidamente

    ¡Consigue el cuerpo que tanto deseas!

    hierbas para la salud y el bienestar

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  • San Jorge Balsamo

    $ 3.99

    Líquido de clavo para dolor de muelas

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